Departmental Objectives

To build a stronger Letran community founded on Catholic doctrines and spirituality enriched by the Dominican charism. To develop a strong Christian formation program

To upgrade the academic standards by meeting the basic requirements of a university and the demands of the industry.
To undergo preliminary accreditation visit for IT, Broadcasting and the re-accreditation visit for Communication Arts, Political Science and Psychology Programs
To work for the recognition of Communication Arts, Psychology and Information Technology as Center of Development
To review the curricular programs of the department according to the needs of the industry and the requirements set by accrediting organization (PAASCU, CHED, TESDA)
To strengthen the performance of the Colegio in academic competitions

To enhance research capability and develop expertise on studies on the nation’s history, heritage and heroes
To become the center for Intramuros studies and research
To conduct at least one action research per Area
To develop and implement programs showcasing Letran as the Oldest College in the country.
To formulate and implement policies and guidelines on strategic linkages and partnerships with local and international organizations
To participate in research conferences (Local and International)

To develop sustainable programs for building self-reliant communities.
To increase the number of community service volunteers.
To strengthen the community service by supplementing sustainable activities in the existing community development program

To be a leader in the creative use and application of ICT in education
To utilize state-of-the-art equipment in classroom discussion
To develop a departmental website featuring the activities of the department and the roster of staff and faculty.

To be a center that advocates principled communicators and media professionals
To Integrate ICOMM values Promotion Program in institutionalized festival and competitions

To develop the leadership skills, creativity, talents and healthy physical and emotional well-being of the students
To formulate and implement the policies and guidelines for student leadership and exchange programs.
To strengthen Information Technology, Psychology and Communication Arts differentiation.

To develop clearly defined management structures, systems and practices that effectively deliver quality services
To support the Letran College system
To intensify the implementation of OD-TQM

To promote the academic reputation of the Colegio.
Achieve top ranks in academic and co-curricular competitions

To hire, develop and retain quality human resources
To conduct trainings/seminars/symposia for the enhancement of teaching skills of faculty
To hire vertically aligned masteral and doctoral degrees in all areas

Academic Programs

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences blends wisdom of academic rigor with the pulse of industry experience.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Advertising ***
  • Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting ***
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication ***
  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism *

  • Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management *
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science ***
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Academic Services

Learning of human being goes on in accordance with the laws of life. Improvement in teaching and learning can scarcely be made without a careful recognition of principles upon which to base any valuable program for betterment of students.
An academic program is an attempt to state the more fundamental conditions favorable to the learning process. The program is designed to make learning a continuous process of development when properly handled and controlled. It should function effectively as a handmade of education that is aimed at the development of the whole person.
The program on academic consultation functions as an organized school activity closely related to the general education program in any subject such as English, Mathematics, Sciences and other courses. The program must disclose students’ academic needs and possibilities. It is the premise of the program to assist student to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do, how he can best accomplish his purpose and to assist him solve his difficulties that arise from his academic life.

Nature of the Program
While education may be learned through direct instruction, it is believed that it can be more effectively become meaningful if it is given direct emphasis. Education can be an integral part on the life of students if it is done with concern and direct guidance of responsible professionals.
The program Academic Consultation is an intensive service that paves the way for the realization of long-sought goal of the CLAS department. The program is one of the immediate responses to the needs of the students. It serves as a springboard for the planning of other assistance programs which facilitate the growing academic needs of students.
Since one prominent movement in education is the attempt to meet, as often as possible, the interests, abilities, and needs of every student, therefore, the program deals not only to students with academic difficulties but also those students who have above average/average performance.

General Objective
To assist students in their academic difficulties and/ or progress in all areas of learning.

Specific Objectives
To provide additional learning tools to meet the specific learning needs of students in relation to their difficulties or in any subject area.
To strengthen positive learning relationship between the student and the teacher.
To minimize student failures and drop - outs.

Target Clientele
The teacher must keep in mind that every student should be directed and guided in any variety of learning situations; therefore, the target clientele are all students who have academic difficulties in different subject areas. It includes those students who have difficulties in the use of sentence and grammatical patterns in writing their thesis. Student-athletes who have problem in submitting the requirements assigned by their teachers and those who are doing well/ progressing academically but need academic consultation are also considered.

Time Frame
The program starts on the third week after the opening of classes and ends a week before the final examination. Each faculty has his own specific time of schedule. It will be during his free time; however, the faculty has to consider the availability of students for consultation.

The Conference Room at the CLAS faculty room is the venues for the implementation of the program. The faculty can provide hisown venue as long as it is within the school premises.

  1. Free Academic Consultation
  2. CLAS Dean’s Office serves as the satellite office for the use of Instructional Materials (LAPTOP, CABLE, REMOTE AND SPEAKERS WITH LAPEL) and Facilities
  3. Administer the Special Midterm Examination
  4. Processed the student’s and faculty request (As need arises).


  1. A student must be denied attendance to the class if his name does not appear in the official class list.
  2. A student is allowed to be absent without exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the total number of hours required in a given subject.
  3. A student is allowed to withdraw from the subject before the scheduled mid-term examination provided that he/she does not exceed the number of allowable absences.
  4. A student must be considered tardy if he/she arrives within fifteen (15) minutes of the official time.
  5. A student must be marked absent if he/she arrives beyond fifteen (15) minutes of the official time.
  6. A faculty member must periodically inform the student of his/her academic performance and attendance.
  7. First year students who incur failures of 3-6 units will be given a written warning. 7-11 units placed under probation and 12 units and above will be marked NTBR (Not To Be Readmitted) for the following semester.
  8. Second year to Fourth year students who incur failures of 3 to 5 units will be given a written warning. 6 to 11 units placed under probation and students who will incur failures equivalent to twelve units shall no longer be readmitted in the Colegio.


  1. The faculty member accepts student in the class only if he/she is in the official class list. In case the student is not in the list, faculty member must advise the student to see the Student Relations Staff.
  2. The faculty member checks the student attendance regularly.
  3. The faculty member monitors and records the performance of the student.
  4. The faculty member conducts academic consultation at least once a week.
  5. Student who will be placed under probation shall sign a waiver/ memorandum of agreement stated that in any case of failure, he/ she shall no longer be readmitted in the Colegio.
  1. Special Midterm Exams
  2. Change of Grade due to Faculty Error
  3. Late Encoding Form
  4. Course/ Total Withdrawal Form
  5. Shifting Form
  6. Excuse/ Admission Form
  7. Test Questionnaire Risographing Form
Kristine Verna L. Pascual Student Relation Office 7:00 AM to 4:00PM
Cristy Laine L. Red Academic Office Staff, ICOMM 8:00 AM to 5:00PM
Ma. Margarita G. Silva-Netto Academic Office Staff, CLAS 8:00 AM to 5:00PM

527-7693 loc. 231

Institute Of Communication
Trunkline: 527-7693
Local: 261

CLAS Faculty Room
Trunkline: 527-7693
Local: 233

PE Faculty Room
Trunkline: 527-7693
Local: 244

Science Laboratory/ Area Chairmen’s Office
Trunkline: 527-7693
Local: 234

527-7693 loc. 331 to 333

Public Affairs
527-7693 loc. 641

Admissions Office
527-7693 loc. 345