Internationally acclaimed professors hold lecture in Letran

August 31, 2016


Two respected professors visited the Colegio as lecturers invited by the Letran Graduate School (LGS) to tackle business and management, among other areas, last August 27 at the Mabini Hall.

Dr. Kirpal Singh, the director of Wee Kim Center of Singapore Management University, and Dr. Pang Eng Fong, a professor of Strategic Management in the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, gave talks to DBA and MBA students, as well as undergraduates from the College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA). Representatives from the University of Santo Tomas were also present in the said event.

An internationally recognized scholar, with credentials as a poet and a literary critic, Singh expounded on the topics of “Creative Instruction for the Future of Education”, “Working Across Cultures: A Management Challenge”, and “Curiosity, Creativity, and Innovation in an Intrapreneurial Workplace”.

Dr. Pang Eng Fong, on the other hand, a former ambassador of Singapore to different countries (United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and Belgium) and a man who has held several government position apart from his academic efforts, focused on Global Business Environment, International Business Management, “Competition for Global Talents: A Strategic Direction”, and “Face Lifting of Regional Migration in Pacific Asia”.

Both lecturers inserted wise advice to the students during the talks and even expounded on ASEAN Integration and its effects to the nation, especially to its business professionals.

Pang Eng Fong even gave positive remarks about the Filipinos, saying that they are one of the most highly sought employees because they can easily adapt to the environment and perform exceptionally well in whatever field (such as nursing).

The 2nd Distinguished Professorial Lecture, as the event was called, is an offshoot of the Graduate School’s desire to produce global and ethical leaders. Prof. Eunice Areola, the dean of the Graduate School, has been inviting top-tier professionals – local and international – adding to the class and substance that the School and its students already possess.

Other lecturers that have already come and taught in the Graduate School the past months are Dr. Mehdi Majidi, the chair of the International Business Administration Department of the American University in Paris; Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy, the convener of Leap!, a global network of business schools professors; Dr. Shirley Yeung, the director of the Center for Corporate Sustainability and Innovations at Hang Seng Management College in Hong Kong; and Dr. Loretta Chen, a professor at the University of Hawaii.
