CCD, CHR spearhead Human Rights seminar-workshop

Joanna Flores, AB Communication student October 12, 2018


PHOTO | Center for Community Development

Letran, being a Center for Human Rights Education (CHRE), through the Center for Community Development (CCD), in partnership with the Commission on Human Rights, facilitated a seminar-workshop with the theme, “Capacity Building of CHRE Core Members and Volunteers” last October 4 and 5 at the Balagtas Hall.

The activity aimed to capacitate the core members and volunteers in their delivery of the functions of Letran as a CHRE. The endeavor was participated by selected employees and students from various academic and administrative sectors of the Colegio. 

Leo Bernadas, the CCD Director and the co-chairperson of CHRE Letran, delivered the opening remarks. He said that that the affair was more than the general understanding of human rights but is also about the constructive change in attitude and behavior. He added that the activity was a great opportunity for the volunteers be shown how human rights are pertinent to them and how they can apply it in their daily lives.

The two-day activity was filled with the substantial sharing of the resource speakers from CHR. On the first day, Epifania O. Garay discussed the introduction to the activity and leveling of expectations; Vicenta R. Basilio explained the mandates and programs of CHR; and Director Ana Elzy E. Ofreneo, CESO III described the “Basic Concepts and Principles of Human Rights”. On the second day, Atty. Flora Atilano and Atty. Ma. Teresa P. Diola shared their knowledge about the “Rights of the Accused”, “Rights of Persons Under Custodial Investigation”, and “Anti-Torture Law”. Atty. Krissi Shaffina Twyla Rubin discussed matters concerning the “Rights of Women in the Convention of all forms of Discrimination Against Women”. Atty. Jaime N. Arroyo shared his thoughts about the Rights of the Child and Child Protection Law. Director Ana Elzy E. Ofreneo, CESO III explained the “Rights of the Indigenous People" which includes IPRA law, Framework and Principles of FPIC, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Mr. Louis Jay Bisco, a core member of Letran-CHRE, delivered his impression message in behalf of all of the participants. Ofreneo, the director of Human Rights Education and Promotion Office, gave her closing remarks.
