Schedule of Fees of Basic Education SY 2024-2025 Download
Schedule of Fees of Basic Education (Home Study Program) SY 2024-2025 Download
Schedule of Fees of Senior High School SY 2024-2025 Download
Schedule of Fees of Collegiate Department 1st Year (1st Semester) SY 2024-2025 Download
Schedule of Fees of Collegiate Department 2nd to 4th Year (1st Semester) SY 2024-2025 Download
Schedule of Fees of Collegiate Department (2nd Semester) SY 2023-2024 Download
Schedule of Fees of Collegiate Department (Summer) SY 2023-2024 Download
Schedule of Fees of Graduate School School SY 2024-2025 Download

Cashier Section
In-charge of collection of cash from tuition fees and other source of fund that will be used by the Colegio to sustain its daily operation and future projects. Cashier section has a direct connection to the students in terms of payments of tuition and etc.

Investment Section
In-charge of revolving of funds, investment of Colegio’s monetary resources such, it earns interest income, funding of payments and other financial needs of the Colegio. The investment officer guarantees funds for any project that the Colegio is planning in the future. It also handles banks transaction from deposits and withdrawal of cash. There is no direct effect as to the function of the investment to the students of the Colegio for it function internally within the operation.

Purchasing Section
This section is tasked to procure materials and equipments of the Colegio in a manner of doing canvassing and assuring that the product bought is of good quality and has a lower prices compare to the existing market markup. In connection to students, the procurement section sustains the needs of the students through acquisition of educational materials that are needed in the daily operation of the academic division in an aim to provide quality education.

Property Section
Tasked to monitor the resources to Letran, supply distribution, releasing of material to different departments. This section ensures that all goods being carried inside the Colegio and being pulled-out should be well monitor. The property section has a vital position in assuring that all resources are accounted and well utilized. In connection to the students, the property section provides assistance to the needs of the students in terms of issuance of pullout, authorization to use certain equipments, concentrating more on the equipment usage.

Business Unit and Dormitory
Revenue Center, these sections are the income generating sections in the finance and resources department. These two areas generate income for the Colegio thru sale of school supplies and rents. These two primarily functions to deal directly to the needs of the students in providing educational materials and a place for the knights to have a safe place to stay during their stay in the Colegio.

Contact Information
Vice President for Financial Affairs 5271783 | 5277693 loc. 401
Office of the Comptrollership 3091741 | 5277693 loc. 411


Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

FOR RESERVATION AND TUITION FEE PAYMENTS, you may pay via the following Banks:

Bank: Banco de Oro
Bank Branch Address: G/F Chamber of Commerce Bldg., #3, Magallanes Dr,
Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: BNORPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 004500690819
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Bank Branch Address: Bank of the Philippine Islands, G/F,
Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 4951008171
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

Bank: Metrobank
Bank Branch Address: FEMII Bldg., A. Soriano Jr. Ave., Intramuros, Manila, 1000
Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: MBTCPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 2007200524590
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M. (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401
Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

FOR ENTRANCE EXAM AND OTHER SCHOOL RELATED FEES, you may pay via the following Banks:

Bank: Banco de Oro
Bank Branch Address: G/F Chamber of Commerce Bldg., #3, Magallanes Dr,
Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: BNORPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 004500003129
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Bank Branch Address: Bank of the Philippine Islands, G/F,
Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 4951007345
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

Bank: Metrobank
Bank Branch Address: FEMII Bldg., A. Soriano Jr. Ave., Intramuros, Manila, 1000
Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: MBTCPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 2003200239394
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M. (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401
Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

FOR BOOKSTORE PAYMENTS, you may pay via the following Banks:

Bank: Banco de Oro
Bank Branch Address: G/F Chamber of Commerce Bldg., #3, Magallanes Dr,
Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code: BNORPHMM (for International Money Transfer)
Account Number: 004500287356
Account Name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.

To contanct the Colegio's Bookstore, you may call them at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 425, you may also send them an email at

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

How much is the tuition fee in Letran?
  Visit this link: Go to Schedule of fees

Where to submit Proof of Payment?
  Email to:
  Monday to Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. only
  Payment will be credited to your account the next banking day

Promissory Note application and status of approval
  Inquire or Email to:

Inquiry of Checks
  Financial Affairs Division - Cashier Section
  Please call Cashier's Office at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 272

How to apply Scholarship Programs?
  For inquiries, call (02) 8527-97-30 or (02) 8527-76-93 loc. 345 and 364
  Monday to Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. only

Where to get Certificate of Tuition Assessment?
  (Required by external schlarship benefactors and bank loans applications)
  Inquire or Email at

Sections of Finance and Resources Department
  Visit link: Finance and Resources Sections

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

Where to pay Reservation Fee and Entrance Exam Fee?
  Visit this link: Go to School Related Payments
  For inquiries, please call Admission Office at (02) 8527-97-30 or
  (02) 8527-76-93 loc. 345 and 364

Where to Deposit Letran Catalyst Program?
  You may deposit your payment to our BDO account
  Account number: 004500690800
  Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.
  For more info visit Facebook page at Letran Catalyst
  For inquiries email:

Where to deposit payments for transcripts and other school documents?
  You may deposit your payment at BDO account
  Account number: 004500003129
  Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.
  For Online Request visit link:
  Email address:

Payment of Books and other merchandise
  Inquire at the Colegio Bookstore Facebook page at
  Email address:
  Please call Bookstore at (02) 8527-76-98 loc. 425 or mobile: 0931-026-9750

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

Where to deposit Donations for Mass Offerings You may deposit your donations to our BDO account:
  Account number: 004500143710
  Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.
  For more info, please contact them at the Religious Affairs Facebook page at
  Contact Number: 0932-796-3892

Where to deposit Donations for Outreach Programs
You may deposit your donations to our BPI account:
  Account number: 4951008198
  Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.
  For proper acknowledgement of your donation, please send copy of deposit slip to   Contact Number: 85277693 loc. 518

About Lending Program Partnership
   How to apply - visit:
   or call Ms. Lyn Cruz at 0917-437-4845 or email at for more information

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at

Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

  1. Over the Counter Deposits via BDO, BPI and Metrobank account Steps:
    1. Fill-out deposit slip: Account Name, Account Number, and Amount Payments for designated bank and account number visit School Related Payments
    2. For check payment, indicate your name, student number and account number at the back of the check
    3. Present to Teller for validation
    4. Email your Proof of deposit to
    5. Payments will be posted to the student account on the following day
  2. Authorized Partners
  3. Dragonpay
    1. Go to your Knight’s Portal
    2. Choose Dragonpay at checkout select preferred method payment
    3. Use the reference number emailed to you
  4. ECpay
    1. Visit click “Partner Outlet Finder”
    2. Proceed to nearest accredited ECpay partner outlet
    3. Fill-out the payment form Biller Name: LETRAN MANILA Student Number, Student Name and Amount
    4. Pay your school fees
    5. Wait for email of SMS for confirmation of your transaction
  5. Gcash
    1. Go to: Pay Bills
    2. Search LETRAN MANILA
  6. Paymaya
    1. Using the Paymaya App on your device, click paybills
    2. Click SCHOOLS
    3. Choose LETRAN MANILA
    4. For the Account Number, use your Student Number
    5. Enter the amount to be paid and the student name
Continue To Next Slide For more Payment Option
  1. E-wallet facility via the Gcash / Paymaya Transfers Step:
    1. Open your Gcash account
    2. Click bank transfer or send money
    3. Choose your bank
    4. Fill up account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran Fill up account number: Payments for designated bank and account number visit School Related Payments
    5. Email your Proof of deposit to every Monday to Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. only
    6. Payments will be credited to the student account on the following day
  2. The International remittance via BDO, BPI and MBTC Beneficiary Account Name:
  3. Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc.
  4. Beneficiary Address: 151 Muralla Street Intramuros Manila, Philippines
  5. For other payments of designated Bank account number, please visit our website at: School Related Payments
  6. Email your transaction slip to every Monday to Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. only and will take at least 3 to 10 working days for posting of payment(s).
Monday to Friday from 8 A.M to 5 P.M.
(02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 401

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, always indicate the following to your email: Concern, Student Name, Student Number, Date Deposited, Amount Deposited, Bank Account No., Bank, Branch, Location, Contact No. and Screenshot of Deposit Slip.

  1. Paynamics
    1. Sign in to your Knight's portal
    2. Choose Paynamics from tab menu
    3. Click Proceed
    4. Complete the form and proceed to payment
    5. Choose your preferred payment option and complete the payment
    6. Final status of payment will be displayed. If failed, contact
  2. Online Credit Card Payments via Paynamics
    Available for officially enrolled students only
    For more information, visit:
    -Note that credit card payments will take at least 10 business days to process for posting
  3. International Remittance via BDO, BPI and MBTC Beneficiary Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Inc. Beneficiary Address: 151 Muralla Street Intramuros Manila, Philippines
    1. Choose your Bank to use to wire the money
    2. Calculate the fees (ensure that payment must not be lower than your amount due, please inquire to your bank about your corresponding inward and outward charges)
    3. Make a list of your information and check it twice (For Bank Account Numbers visit School Related Payments)
      -Your Bank account number
      -Recipients name
      -Recipients Bank account number
      -Recipients bank name and address
      -Recipients swift code
    4. Fill-out the Bank wire transfer form
    5. Keep your receipt and send photocopy to <> every Monday to Friday at 8am to 5pm and will take 2 to 10 working days for posting of payment
  4. Mobile Phones via Transfer funds USE Online Fund Transfers only (any bank) DO NOT USE BILLS PAYMENT to avoid mis-deposit of payment (any bank) Double check Colegio’s account number For other payments of designated Bank visit the Colegio’s website at: School related Payments
    1. Open your Mobile App account
    2. Click bank transfer or send money options
    3. Account name: Colegio de San Juan de Letran
      Account number: Payments for designated bank and account number visit School Related Payments
    4. Email your Proof of deposit to every Monday to Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. only
    5. Payments will be credited to the student account on the following day

For services, regarding outstanding balances, refunds and request for statement of account, You can view all of this in your knight student at:, otherwise, you may call te Financial Affairs Division - Student Accounts Section at (02) 8527-76-93 to 97 loc. 412, 413, and 414, or email us at


Cashier Section
In-charge of collection of cash from tuition fees and other source of fund that will be used by the Colegio to sustain its daily operation and future projects. Cashier section has a direct connection to the students in terms of payments of tuition and etc.

Investment Section
In-charge of revolving of funds, investment of Colegio’s monetary resources such, it earns interest income, funding of payments and other financial needs of the Colegio. The investment officer guarantees funds for any project that the Colegio is planning in the future. It also handles banks transaction from deposits and withdrawal of cash. There is no direct effect as to the function of the investment to the students of the Colegio for it function internally within the operation.

Purchasing Section
This section is tasked to procure materials and equipments of the Colegio in a manner of doing canvassing and assuring that the product bought is of good quality and has a lower prices compare to the existing market markup. In connection to students, the procurement section sustains the needs of the students through acquisition of educational materials that are needed in the daily operation of the academic division in an aim to provide quality education.

Property Section
Tasked to monitor the resources to Letran, supply distribution, releasing of material to different departments. This section ensures that all goods being carried inside the Colegio and being pulled-out should be well monitor. The property section has a vital position in assuring that all resources are accounted and well utilized. In connection to the students, the property section provides assistance to the needs of the students in terms of issuance of pullout, authorization to use certain equipments, concentrating more on the equipment usage.

Business Unit and Dormitory
Revenue Center, these sections are the income generating sections in the finance and resources department. These two areas generate income for the Colegio thru sale of school supplies and rents. These two primarily functions to deal directly to the needs of the students in providing educational materials and a place for the knights to have a safe place to stay during their stay in the Colegio.

Contact Information
Vice President for Financial Affairs 5271783 | 5277693 loc. 401
Office of the Comptrollership 3091741 | 5277693 loc. 411